Directory of Services
We Offer
- eBooks, downloadable audio books, and Hoopla streaming media
- Homebound Delivery Service
- Curbside pickup service
- Free computer and WiFi access
- Mobile Hotspots
- Investment news
- Videos, CDs, DVDs
- Books on CD
- 150+ magazines and newspapers
- Atlases and road maps
- College resources
- Community Board for Local Nonprofit Organizations
- Reader's advisory for all ages
- ...and access to over 8 million items to borrow through our membership in the SEO (Serving Every Ohioan) consortium!

Equipment You Can Use In-House
- 3D Printers
- VHS to DVD Converter
- Typewriter
- Color copier
- Black & White and Color Laser printers
- Large screen TV
- Wheelchair
- Handicap accessible walker
- Shopping baskets
- Mobility Scooter
- Vinyl Listening Station (located in Local History)
- Ellison die cutter and dies
Special Features
- Four meeting rooms and two conference rooms
- Beyond Books collection
- Children's programs
- Larimer Family Classroom Collection
- Book discussion groups
- Computer classes
- Wireless Printing
- Cake Pans
- Reel Talk and Reel Art film discussions
- WGTE-PBS Program Club ("Reel Opinions")
- Technology computer lab
- Self-Checkout station
- Jigsaw Puzzle collection

Programming and Resources
- 24/7 Ask-A-Librarian service
- One-On-One Technology Assistance
- Notary Services
- "Fun Reads" themed kits for children
- Genealogy research
- Research databases
- 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten early childhood literacy program
- Job seeker and career resources
- Collection site for the proper and respectful disposal of worn U.S. flags
- Consumer information
- Drop-off box for responsible phone and tablet recycling