The Way Public Library in keeping with its mission provides public Internet access and access to the resources of the Ohio Public Library Information Network.
This service may be used to access resources, engage in communication, or conduct activities available on the Internet or the Ohio Public Library Information Network.
This service may not be used for any misrepresentation or for any unlawful purposes including viewing or transmitting material that reasonably could be considered pornographic or of prurient sexual interest. Access to and/or display of obscene language and sexually explicit graphics and materials, as defined in sections 2907.01 and 2907.31 of the Ohio Revised Code, are prohibited.
The public internet access computers may not be used for unauthorized copying of copyright-protected materials or for online gambling.
Way Public Library cannot guarantee patron satisfaction with Internet sites and is not responsible for their accuracy, currency or propriety. As with other library materials, it is the parent or legal guardian of minor children who must assume ultimate responsibility for supervising access to Internet resources in the Library. The library assumes no responsibility for claimed damages of any kind arising out of use of Internet workstations.
Library patrons in good standing with the library are encouraged to explore our computers and use them as learning tools. Software may be installed, depending on the install requirements. However, staff members cannot assist with patron initiated software installs, nor can staff members assist with the said installed software. Efforts to bypass the security of the library network, or any other computer network connected with the library are strictly prohibited.
Misuse of the Library’s computers or Internet access will result in loss of Internet privileges.
Adopted by the Way Public Library Board of Trustees – May 24, 2016